- n. 储量
- 名词reserve的复数形式.
civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army
- 1. Gold reserves had fallen to less than $3 billion worth.
- 黄金储备已经降价至30亿美元以下。
- 2. The Persian Gulf has 65 percent of the world's oil reserves.
- 波斯湾拥有全世界石油储备的65%。
- 3. In the reserves of Zimbabwe and South Africa, annual culls are already routine.
- 在津巴布韦和南非的自然保护区,对病弱动物每年所进行的宰杀剔除已成惯例。
- 4. The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.
- 本公司保留在一定条件下取消这项协议的权利。
- 5. To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, we must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.
- 由于大油井的枯竭,要想从北海有利地获取石油和天然气,我们必须集中精力于小储量油井的开采。
- 6. Not all oil producers have big reserves.
- 并不是所有的石油生产国都有大量石油储备。
- 7. But not all oil producers have big reserves.
- 但并不是所有的石油生产国都有大量的石油储备。
- 8. It will not improve the marine reserves along Australia's coast.
- 它不会改善澳大利亚海岸的海洋保护区。
- 9. New estimates of the water reserves go up to 2,700 billion cubic meters of fresh water.
- 据最新估计,淡水储量将达到2.7万亿立方米。
- 10. It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life.
- 由此可知,节约使用能源储备可以延长寿命。
- 11. Thus the anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the size of the animal.
- 因此,脊椎动物的无氧能量储备与动物的大小成正比。
- 12. The energy industry needs to get more from existing fields while continuing to search for new reserves.
- 能源行业需要从现有油田获得更多石油,同时继续寻找新的储备。
- 13. New research has found deep water reserves under the state which could help solve their drought crisis.
- 新的研究发现,该州的深层水储备可能有助于解决本地的干旱危机。
- 14. These results suggest that there may be several costs of singing at night associated with body reserves.
- 这些结果表明,在夜间唱歌可能与身体储备有关。
- 15. In recent years, we have all been exposed to dire media reports concerning the impending demise of global coal and oil reserves.
- 近年来,我们都接触到有关全球煤炭和石油储备即将枯竭的可怕媒体报道。
- 16. Unveiled recently by environment minister, Tony Burke, the proposal would be the last in a series of proposed marine reserves around Australia's coast.
- 环境部长托尼·伯克最近公布了这一提议,该提议将是有关澳大利亚沿海地区海洋保护区的一系列提案中的最后一项。
- 17. If bank policy is to make loans and investments equal to whatever reserves are in excess of legal requirements, the expansion process will be carried on.
- 如果银行的政策是让贷款和投资等于任何超出法律要求的储备金,那么扩张过程将继续下去。
- 18. Birds store energy as subcutaneous fat deposits or "body reserves"; changes in these reserves can be reliably estimated by measuring changes in body mass.
- 鸟类以皮下脂肪沉积或“身体储备”的形式储存能量;通过测量体重的变化,可以可靠地估计这些储备的变化。
- 19. Some scientists are examining the potential for harvesting icebergs from Antarctica, which is estimated to have the biggest reserves of fresh water on the planet.
- 一些科学家正在研究从南极洲收集冰山的可能性。据估计,南极洲拥有地球上最大的淡水储备。
- 20. The passage's suggestion that the total anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are proportional to the vertebrate's size is based on which of the following assumption?
- 这篇文章提出的脊椎动物的无氧能量储备总量与脊椎动物的体型成正比,是基于以下哪些假设?
- 21. Reserves proposed earlier this year for Australia's southwestern and northwestern coastal regions have also been criticised for failing to give habitats adequate protection.
- 今年早些时候提议的设立在澳大利亚西南及西北沿海地区的保护区因未能给予栖息地足够的保护而受到批评。
- 22. A Swiss government panel recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves and this raised fears of other countries that do the same and inundate the market.
- 瑞士政府的一个小组建议该国出售大约一半的黄金储备,这引发了对其他国家采取同样做法并淹没市场的担忧。
- 23. Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state's economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.
- 阿拉斯加定期将出售石油的部分利润存入一个特别基金,目的是在石油储备耗尽后维持该州的经济。
- 24. She called up her last reserves of strength.
- 她使尽了最后一点力气。
- 25. He discovered unexpected reserves of strength.
- 他出乎意料地发现还有体力。
- 26. The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
- 管理部门有权拒绝接收。
- 27. Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves.
- 以色列拥有一支规模相对较小的常备军,它的兵力基于其预备役部队。
- 28. Closing such centres and cutting council budgets doesn't magically increase reserves of individual self-reliance.
- 关闭这类中心和削减委员会预算并不能神奇地增加人们的储蓄金,供他们生活。
- 29. Some plants store reserves of water to see them through a drought; others send roots deep down to subsurface water supplies.
- 有些植物储存水分来使它们度过干旱;另一些则把根深深地扎入地下水源。
- 30. The team at Stanford investigated the aquifers below this depth and found that reserves may be triple what was previously thought.
- 斯坦福大学的研究小组对这一深度以下的地下蓄水层进行了调查,发现蓄水量或许是先前所预想的三倍。
- The Saudis hold one-fourth of the world's proven oil reserves.
沙特拥有世界已探明石油储量的四分之一。 - It enables an estimate to be made of the reserves, including sphalerite.
用作名词 (n.)
- workable reserves 可采储量
- petroleum reserves 石油储量
- proved reserves 已探明矿藏量...
- material reserves 物资储备
- forest reserves 森林保护区,森林蓄积...
- actual reserves 实在储藏量
- hypothetical reserves 可能储量,推测储量...
- geological reserves 地质储量
- mineral reserves 矿储藏量,矿产储藏...
- coal reserves 煤炭储量,煤藏...
- net reserves 储备净额
- excess reserves 超额准备金
- oil reserves 石油藏量
- ore reserves 矿石埋藏量,矿藏量...
- operating reserves 开工准备
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