skilled in
- adj. 精通(擅长)
- 1. He must, above all, be skilled in setting tasks to others and coaching them to achieve tasks.
- 最重要的是,他必须善于给别人设定任务,并指导他们完成任务。
- 2. Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.
- 克雷西发现,大多数成年移民都精通农业或手工艺,受过教育,并且以家庭为单位组织行事。
- 3. Using contemporary literary evidence, shipping lists, and customs records, Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.
- 克雷西利用当代文学证据、船运单和海关记录发现,大多数成年移民都精通农业或手工艺,识字,并以家庭为单位组织起来。
- 4. He is skilled in sculpture.
- 他精于雕刻。
- 5. She was skilled in preparing tasty dishes.
- 她很会做菜。
- 6. He is really quite skilled in doing massage.
- 他的按摩技术确实不错。
- 7. An eloquent speaker is one skilled in the use of words.
- 有口才的人善于用词。
- 8. Developers skilled in portal development.
- 熟练门户开发的开发人员。
- 9. Employer: What are you skilled in then?
- 雇主:那你干什么活最熟练?
- 10. Mexican workers are highly skilled in some industries.
- 而在一些产业中,墨西哥工人掌握了熟练的技术。
- 11. I speak four languages, and I am very skilled in my work, "Pilco said."
- 我会说四种语言,而且我工作能力很强,“皮尔克说。”
- 12. You know that we have no one so skilled in felling timber as the Sidonians.
- 因为你知道,在我们中间没有人像西顿人善于砍伐树木。
- 13. One who is thoroughly experienced and skilled in a particular craft or activity.
- 对于某种特定的技能或活动十分有经验或十分有技术的人。
- 14. Web developers typically are skilled in rendering languages, HTML, CSS, and scripting.
- Web开发人员往往在语言、HTML、CSS和脚本呈现方面较为娴熟。
- 15. Therefore, the developers that are needed must also be skilled in working on a team.
- 这样,就需要开发者也必须具有良好的团队精神。
- 16. They are highly skilled in the art of self-sabotage and if anyone will get in their way, it's them.
- 他们十分擅长自我毁灭的艺术,如果有人挡住了他们前进的道路,那必定是他们自己。
- 17. You have many workmen: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as men skilled in every kind of work.
- 你有许多匠人,就是石匠,木匠,和一切能作各样工的巧匠。
- 18. Send me also cedar, pine and algum logs from Lebanon, for I know that your men are skilled in cutting timber there.
- 又求你从利巴嫩运些香柏木,松木,檀香木到我这里来,因我知道你的仆人善于砍伐利巴嫩的树木。
- 19. In addition people tend to become very skilled in theirhobbies, even though most of the skill is gained informally.
- 另外,人在自己感兴趣的事情上都会做得非常出色,即使这些技能是通过非正式的途径得到的。
- 20. The union has a population of 500m men, women and children who are among the most educated and skilled in the world.
- 该联盟有五亿男女和儿童,他们是世界上最有文化和技术的人群之一。
- 21. Your analysts must be skilled in gathering business requirements so they can analyse a process and remove redundancy.
- 你的分析师必须能熟练地收集业务需求,以便他们能分析一条流程并去除冗余。
- 22. Design debt results when a development team is not skilled in, committed to, and discerning about code quality practices.
- 当开发团队对代码质量操作不在行,不负责或者不关注时,设计债问题就会产生。
- 23. Developers skilled in EGL will be better able to implement new technologies without having to deal with their complexities.
- 精通egl的开发人员将能更好地实现新技术,而不必应对新技术的复杂性。
- 24. Anyone with bipolar disorder should be under the care of a psychiatrist skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
- 双相情感障碍的患者都应该接受在诊断和治疗这种疾病方面受过训练的精神科医师的照料。
- 25. You might be skilled in a particular field but that doesn't necessarily make you good at running your own company in that field.
- 你可能在一些特定的领域内经验丰富,但是你不一定在运行自己的公司方面能做得很好。
- 26. Site indexes are best done by individuals skilled in indexing who also have basic skills in HTML or in using HTML indexing tools.
- 网站索引要由熟练掌握标引知识和技巧的人员来从事,这些标引人员还要掌握html知识或能使用html标引工具。
- 27. It is, therefore, important that the Integration developer developer be skilled in the relevant features of the Modeler tool set.
- 因此,IntegrationDeveloper开发人员精通Modeler工具集的相关特性是很重要的。
- 28. Often impulsive, occasionally over-eager, Danny had to learn to be patient before he could become skilled in the ways of the long con.
- 丹尼经常意气用事,有时也会操之过急,因而在他成为放长线钓大鱼的高手之前,还得好好学会如何耐心行事。
- 29. Typically the initial content in this page is populated by another process engineer skilled in the art of this particular extension point.
- 此页面中的原始内容通常由对此特定的扩展点有丰富经验的另一个流程工程师填充的。
- 30. Typically the initial content in this page is populated by another process engineer skilled in the art of this particular extension point.
- 此页面中的原始内容通常由对此特定的扩展点有丰富经验的另一个流程工程师填充的。
- Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition.
词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧。 - I am skilled in operating a computer.
我能够熟练操作计算机。 - A worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools.
制造工,技工在机械、车辆、工具的制造、使用和修理上很精通的人 - One who is skilled in topography.
地形学者精通地形学的人 - An actor or actress skilled in pantomime.
哑剧表演者擅长表演哑剧的男女演员 - An army commander must be skilled in tactics.
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