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英[striːm] 美[striːm]
  • n.(小)河;水流;(人;车;气)流;组v.流动;流出;飘动;将(学生)按能力分组
streamy streamed streamed streaming streams


    n. (名词)
    1. 流,流出,流动
    2. 潮流,趋势,倾向
    3. 一连串
    4. 小河,溪,河流,川
    5. 光线;道,束
    6. <英>将学生按能力分成的组,班组
    7. 流注
    8. 辈出,连续,滚滚而来
    v. (动词)
    1. 涌出,流出,射出
    2. 川流不息,鱼贯而行,蜂拥而进
    3. 使飘动,使飘扬
    4. 流,淌,流动
    5. 使流,使流出
    6. 倾注
    7. 展开
    8. <英>把(学生)按智力等分班,将...按能力分组
    9. 涌入,涌进,涌向,冲向
    10. 飘动,飘扬
    11. 一个接一个地移动
    n. (名词)
    1. [C] 小河,溪流 a small river
    2. [C] 流,一股,一串 flow (of liquid, people, things, etc.)
    3. [S] 水流方向,潮流 current or direction of sth flowing or moving
    4. [C] (按能力分的)班级 class or division of a class into which children of the same age and level of ability are placed
    5. [C] 川流不息 a continuous series of people, things, or events, usually moving in a line or in a certain direction
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 流; 移动 flow freely; move continuously and smoothly in one direction
    2. vi. 飘扬; 招展 float or wave (in the wind)


  1. a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth

  2. dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas;

    "two streams of development run through American history"
    "stream of consciousness"
    "the flow of thought"
    "the current of history"

  3. the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression

  4. something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously;

    "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"
    "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"

  5. a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes);

    "the raft floated downstream on the current"
    "he felt a stream of air"
    "the hose ejected a stream of water"

  1. to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind;

    "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"

  2. exude profusely;

    "She was streaming with sweat"
    "His nose streamed blood"

  3. move in large numbers;

    "people were pouring out of the theater"
    "beggars pullulated in the plaza"

  4. rain heavily;

    "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"

  5. flow freely and abundantly;

    "Tears streamed down her face"


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. On either bank of the stream stand rows of willow trees.
    2. Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream.
    3. Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Cars stream along the highway.
    2. They streamed out of the cinema.
    3. Her hair streamed(out) in the wind.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Can you jump across the stream?
    2. The stream ran into Shadow Lake.
    3. A stream of people was going into the cinema.
    4. He is swimming against the stream.
    5. He hasn't the courage to go against the stream of public opinion.
    6. She is in the A stream.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. Tears streamed from her eyes when she saw the sad movie.
    2. Blood streamed from the wound.
    3. People streamed into the building.
    4. Crowds were streaming out of the station.
    5. The flag was streaming in the wind.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. Her eyes were streaming tears.
    2. His face was streaming sweat.


v. (动词)
  1. stream的基本意思是“流动”,指受限制的流动,如通过一定的路线或出口。也可指大量不断地流动。引申可指“飘动”。
  2. stream既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。
  3. stream接介词with表示“被…覆盖”。
n. (名词)
stream, branch, brook, canal, creek, river, torrent
  • 这组词的共同意思是“流水的通道”。其区别是:
  • 1.除canal指人工开挖的河流或渠道外,其余各词均指自然形成的水道。
  • 2.river和torrent均指流量较大的河流,river可泛指(自然形成的)江河;torrent则特指急流、湍流。这两个词还常用于比喻。
  • 3.stream可指大河,也可指小河或小溪,指小溪时与brook,creek同义。creek侧重其狭长蜿蜒,缓缓流动,且多流入大河或湖泊。brook侧重发源于山泉。creek和stream都比brook大。stream还可引申表示事物连绵不断。
  • 4.branch指江河的支流。
  • v. (动词)
    stream, flow, pour, run
  • 这组词的共同意思是“流”“流动”。其区别是:
  • 1.flow, run, stream和pour都可指液体流动; flow还可指气体流动; pour还可指光线、微粒等倾泻。
  • 2.时间上:flow一般指源源不断地、长时间地流动; run既可以是源源不断地、长时间地流动,也可以是流动一段时间; stream和pour多指短时间地流动。
  • 3.方向上:指液体流动时, flow是水平流动; run和stream既可水平流动,也可垂直流动; pour是垂直流动。
  • 4.流速上:从快到慢依次为pour, stream, run, flow。具体说就是flow是平平稳稳地流动; run比较湍急; stream比run更有力; pour则是“倾泻”。
  • 5.flow, stream和pour常用于比喻, run很少用于比喻。例如:
  • The river was flowing quietly.河水静静流着。
  • She let her hair down so that it flew darkly over her shoulders.她让乌黑的头发披散下来,飘垂到肩上。
  • The river runs through hills and fields.河水流经山冈和田野。
  • The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.水自管内注入水桶中。
  • Tears were streaming down her face.她脸上热泪滚滚而下。
  • The students streamed into the auditorium.学生们络绎不绝地进入礼堂。
  • river,brook,stream
  • 这些名词均有“江、河”之意。
  • river泛指一般的江河。
  • brook指小河,尤指发源于山泉的小河。
  • stream泛指大小河流,也可专指小溪。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    on stream
      进行生产,投入生产 in production
    用作动词 (v.)
    stream with (v.+prep.)
      被…覆盖 be covered with a flow of sth
      stream with sth

      All the streets in the village were streaming with flood water.


      Their faces were streaming with sweat.


    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词


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