- 教育
- 训练
- 教导
- 培养
- 送…上学
- 为…负担学费
- 培育
- vt. & vi. 教育 give instruction
- vt. & vi. 训练 train for a particular occupation
give an education to;
"We must educate our youngsters better"
create by training and teaching;
"The old master is training world-class violinists"
"we develop the leaders for the future"
teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment;
"Cultivate your musical taste"
"Train your tastebuds"
"She is well schooled in poetry"
- 1. Ruth's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.
- 露丝的父母选择了在家对她进行集中教育。
- 2. She tried to educate her son's taste in music.
- 她试图培养她儿子对音乐的爱好.
- 3. The television programme is designed to educate and not merely to entertain.
- 这个电视节目不仅是为了娱乐而且是为了教育而设计的.
- 4. It takes patience to educate children.
- 教育儿童须要耐心.
- 5. It is sometimes contrasted with educate.
- 这一词与educate相比有时有差别.
- It is not easy to educate teenagers.
教育青少年不是件容易的事。 - An educator must first educate himself.
教育者必须自己先受教育。 - He tried to educate his wife's taste in literature.
他试图培养他太太对文学的爱好。 - Senator Fulbright also believed the program could educate future world leaders.
富布莱特参议员也相信,这个基金方案能培养出未来的世界领袖。 - Teachers educate students to protect themselves.
老师训练学生自我保护。 - My father has a little bit famous at local,although I didn't get any educate,maybe has some edify or heredity!
- In my eyes the question is not what to teach, but how to educate.
在我看来,问题不是教什么书,而是如何育人。 - The television program is designed to educate and not merely to entertain.
这个电视节目不仅是为了娱乐而且是为了教育而设计的。 - Now many more schools are needed to educate the young.
现在需要更多的学校用于年轻一代的教育。 - I have educated my children at the best schools.
我让孩子们在第一流的学校里接受教育。 - The poor boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work.
这个贫穷的孩子不得不在晚上干完活后自修。 - He had paid out money to educate her.
他拿钱负担她的教育费用。 - She educated her brother after their father's death.
- She was educated in France.
她是在法国受的教育。 - He was educated at a very good school.
他在一所极好的学校受教育。 - We must educate the students to become useful people for our motherland.
我们必须把学生培养成为祖国的有用之材。 - You should educate your children to behave well.
- The public should be educated to use resources more effectively.
- educate的基本意思是“促使学得知识或技能”。指把“教”和“育”作为手段和先决条件,对受教育者进行品质和能力的造就和培养。educate较少用于“学科”教育,更多的是指全面的教育,尤指能力的提高和品质的养成。educate引申可指“负担某人的教育费用”。
- educate既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,一般接人作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
- educate在表示“培养某人从事某职业”时,职业前介词多用for,且常用于be ~ed结构; 在表示“在某方面训练某人”时,常用介词in。
- educate可用于被动结构。
- educate, bring up
- bring up指孩子在家里所受到的道德和社交教育; 而educate则指在学校所受到的智能、文化和学业方面的教育。如说一个孩子badly brought up,便指这孩子“不懂礼貌、不诚实”等,说一个人well-educated则指他“受过良好的教育”。例如:
- Would you rather be well brought up and badly educated, or opposite?你是愿受到良好的家庭教育而受不到良好的学校教育,还是愿意受到良好的学校教育而受不到良好的家庭教育?
- educate, coach, instruct, school, teach, train, tutor
- 这组词的共同意思是“教”,指向学生传授知识、技能等,但含义和用法上有所区别:
- 1.teach的概念最广泛,意义最普通,可以指讲授一门课程,也可指传授一种技能,也可能仅指帮助别人能解决一些问题或处理事情。而instruct, educate, train和school则各有其侧重点。instruct强调的是“系统性”; educate强调的是“总体性”; train强调的是“方向性”,而school强调的则是“严格性”。现分述如下:
- ①instruct与teach的区别在于其“系统性”,即“系统教授”,内容上是系统的知识,方法上是连续地、正式地。例如:
- Dr. Williams instructs classes in algebra.威廉博士教代数课。
- ②educate比teach更为正式,强调的是教育的总目标和培养结果,内容很广泛,所花的时间也较长,教育的内容不仅是知识,更多的是做人的道理,如:世界观、性格、品质等。例如:
- The poor boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work.这可怜的孩子只有在工作完以后的晚上自学。
- Some schools teach, but fail to educate their students.有些学校只教给学生知识,却忽略了育人。
- We are educated under the Party.我们受党的教育。
- ③train指的“教育”带有明显的方向性,或者造就某方面需要的人才,或者是训练某种特殊技能,以达到体力极佳、智力极强、反应极敏锐,从而迅速地胜任某种工作、任务或参加某比赛,也可以用于驯服动物或使植物向某方向生长。在训练方法上, train指由易到难,循序渐进,在这一点上与instruct有些接近。例如:
- They were trained as animal doctors in this school.他们在这所学校里得到训练,成为兽医。
- He is specially trained for this kind of work.为了胜任这种工作,他曾受过特殊训练。
- The old farmer trained his horse to do farm work for him.老农夫训练他的马为他干农活。
- Mother tried to train the vines over the porch.母亲想引导葡萄藤爬到门廊上面。
- ④school强调教育和训练的严格性,指在某一方面进行特别严格的训练,也指学会忍耐难以忍受之事或锻炼和严格约束自己处理一些复杂困难事情的意思。例如:
- She was schooled in foreign languages.她在外语方面受到过严格训练。
- His father was schooled in Harvard.他的父亲是在哈佛大学受教育的。
- The parents schooled their children in politeness.家长们严格教育子女们讲礼貌。
- He was schooled by life itself.生活本身锻炼了他。
- 2.teach和instruct在用法上也不同, teach接sb sth; 而instruct接sb in sth。试比较下面两个句子:
- Mr. Smith taught us English.
- Mr. Smith instructed us in English.
- 史密斯先生教我们英语。
- 另外,两词接to- v 时意思也不同:teach sb to- v 的意思是“教某人做某事”,而instruct sb to- v 的意思是命令或通知某人做某事。例如:
- He taught us to run the machine.他教我们开机器。
- We are instructed when to start.已有人通知我们何时出发。
- 3.tutor和coach的含义与上述五个词不同,强调的是“个别性”,向一位专门教师学习,或在某小组中学习,即进行个别辅导。其区别是:
- coach只指补习或辅导,不指教新课,而tutor既可指复习功课,也可指讲授新课。例如:
- I'll coach some of the students this evening.今晚我要辅导几个学生。
- He is coaching a basketball team.他正在指导一个篮球队。
- The teacher tutors him to play the piano.这位教师教他弹钢琴。
- I offered to tutor him in English.我建议替他补习英文。
- teach,instruct,educate,coach,train,tutor
- 这些动词均含“教,教育,培养”之意。
- teach最普通用词,含义广泛。指直接教某人知识或技能等,侧重传播知识和帮助应用知识。
- instruct与teach含义很接近,但语体较正式。指系统、详细、精心地传播知识,侧重教授与指示。
- educate较正式用词,指教育,内容比teach广泛,侧重动机或结果,或对潜在能力的开发。
- coach指对个人或小组等进行辅导、训练或补课。
- train指训练与培养。
- tutor指进行个别教学或课外辅导。
- educate for (v.+prep.)
学(某学科) major in (some subject)
be educated for sthHe was educated for the law.
- educate in (v.+prep.)
在(某方面)教育〔训练〕(某人) make sure that (sb) learns (sth not a subject)
educate in sthThe government often needs educating in the actual wishes of the people.
educate sb/sth in sthShe tried to educate her son's taste in music.
He was educated in law.
Young men were once educated in good manners, and how to treat a lady.
- educate oneself 自学
- educate one's taste 培养…的爱好
- educate the ear 训练耳朵
- educate adequately 大量地训练
- educate artistically 受艺术训练
- educate badly〔poorly〕 受教育少
- educate brilliantly 受过极好教育
- educate classically 受古典式教育
- educate formally 受过正规教育
- educate highly 受过高等〔良好〕教育
- educate imperfectly 不完全教育
- educate insensibly 无知地教育
- educate intensively 强度训练
- educate musically 音乐训练
- educate physically 物理教育
- educate practically 实践锻炼
- educate progressively 进一步地进行教育
- educate properly 恰当地锻炼
- educate superficially 肤浅地教育
- educate technically 科技教育
- educate well 受过高等〔良好〕教育
- educate at Oxford University 在牛津大学受教育
- educate for 学(某学科)
- educate for the law 学法律
- educate sb from a profession 培养某人从事某事业
- educate in England 在英国受教育
- educate on the subject of 进行…的主题教育
- educate to 使…教育成为