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英[flɪŋ] 美[flɪŋ]
  • vt.投;粗暴地推向...;猛冲;激动地说;全身心投入n.投掷;一时的行乐;漫不经心的一段(尝试或感情)vi.急冲;(动物)猛跳
flung flung flinging flings


    n. (名词)
    1. 尝试
    2. 扔,掷,抛,投掷
    3. 挥动
    4. 跳,踢
    5. 谩骂,讽刺,嘲弄
    6. 攻击
    7. 跳舞
    8. 放肆,放纵
    9. 一时的放纵,一阵尽情欢乐
    10. 短暂的风流韵事
    11. 急冲
    v. (动词)
    1. 扔,掷,丢,抛
    2. 急行,冲,猛冲,急冲,直奔,闯
    3. 使突然陷入,使扑,使投身
    4. <书>发出
    5. 破口大骂,骂,嘲笑
    6. 摔倒,摔下
    7. 关进
    8. 轻蔑地投射(目光)
    9. 匆忙地穿上(衣服)
    10. 猛烈地开(门,窗)
    11. 粗暴地(向某人)说,气势汹汹地(对某人)说
    12. 向某人求爱,向(异性)献殷勤
    13. 投身于
    14. 扑进,冲出,急伸,猛动,突然地移动
    15. 乱踢,乱冲(常与out连用)
    16. (动物)猛跳
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 抛,扔,丢 throw violently or with force
    2. vt. 急动 move oneself, one's arms, etc. violently, hurriedly, impulsively or angrily
    n. (名词)
    1. [S]尽情欢乐的一阵,放纵 an occasion or period of enjoying oneself often with no sense of responsibility


  1. a usually brief attempt;

    "he took a crack at it"
    "I gave it a whirl"

  2. a brief indulgence of your impulses

  3. the act of flinging

  1. throw with force or recklessness;

    "fling the frisbee"

  2. move in an abrupt or headlong manner;

    "He flung himself onto the sofa"

  3. indulge oneself;

    "I splurged on a new TV"

  4. throw or cast away;

    "Put away your worries"


    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. Boys like to fling stones into water.
    2. She flung the papers on the desk and leave angrily.
    3. She flung herself in front of a car.
    4. You must be certain of your facts before you start flinging accusations (around) (at people).
    5. We will fling all the people into this work.
    6. He flung himself into his work with renewed vigor.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He had his fling before he was drafted.
    2. Ted had a fling during the summer vacation.
    3. The young man had a fling at swimming.
    4. We had a brief fling, but it's over now.
    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. She flung on her coat and ran to the bus-stop.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground.
    用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
    1. She flung him a scornful look.
    2. He flung her a smile before going out.
    S+~+ n./pron. +to n./pron.
    1. Here, fling this meat to the dogs in the yard.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
    1. Every morning he flings the window open and breathes deeply.
    2. The angry father flung the door open and marched into his daughter's room.
    3. 1
    4. The gardens of the great house are being flung open to the public.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Let's have a fling and eat at that expensive restaurant for a change.


v. (动词)
  1. fling指用工具或徒手将物体用力抛出,也可指感情激动时漫无目标地、粗暴地扔东西,具有强烈的感情色彩。
  2. fling作“抛,扔”解时可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时可接简单宾语或双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词to的宾语。
  3. fling的宾语后常可接形容词open作宾语补足语,意为“推开”“使…公开”。
  4. fling无论用作及物动词或不及物动词,经常带有“猛地”“急忙”“缺少控制”的含义。
  5. fling的过去式和过去分词均为flung。
v. (动词)
fling, cast, hurl, pitch, throw, toss
  • 这组词的共同意思是“投,掷,抛”,都可指用工具或徒手将物体用力抛出。其区别是:
  • 1.throw是这些词中最普通的词,使用广泛,也不带任何感情色彩。
  • 2.cast强调“迅速抛出”;fling强调“奋力抛出”;hurl指用力投掷,动作迅猛,强调投掷的距离较“远”;pitch强调“技巧性”,主要用于体育项目;toss则指“轻松、不在意或无目的地乱甩”。
  • 3.cast和toss所抛出的物品一般较轻,其余各词则可轻可重。
  • 4.hurl和pitch的方向性、目的性比较明确,其余各词则没有明确的方向性和目的性。
  • 5.fling指奋力投掷,也可指感情激动时漫无目标地、粗暴地扔东西,具有强烈的感情色彩。
  • throw,cast,fling,heave,hurl,pitch,toss
  • 这些动词均有“抛、投、掷”之意。
  • throw普通用词,使用广泛,仅指用力抛掷,不涉及动作方式或感情色彩。
  • cast常可与throw互换,指迅速扔出一个重量较轻的物体。
  • fling指用力投掷,或因感情激动而粗暴地或漫无目的地扔东西。
  • heave指把重物举起后扔出。
  • hurl通常指用力投掷,动作迅猛,所投掷的距离也较远。
  • pitch指随意地、轻轻地掷或扔,侧重方向性和有明确的目标。
  • toss指无什么目的地、轻轻地、随意地掷或扔,所扔掷的东西一般都比较轻。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    fling about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
      发号施令; 滥施权力 give unnecessary orders; try to use one's power over other people
    fling aside (v.+adv.)
      丢开,抛开(某人或物); 与…断绝关系 give up; have nothing more to do with (sb or sth)
    fling at (v.+prep.)
      拼命讨好某人 force one's attention on sb so as to win his or her love
    fling away (v.+adv.)
      漫不经心地发出(话语) speak (words) carelessly, as by lowering the voice
    fling away on (v.+adv.+prep.)
      因嫁娶(不相配的人)而误了或贬损(某人或自己) waste the worth of (sb or oneself) in a bad relationship, as marriage, with (sb considered unworthy)
    fling back (v.+adv.)
      抛回,扔回(某物) return (sth) by throwing
    fling down (v.+adv.)
      罢工; 因有不同意见而停止工作 strike; stop working because of disagreement
    fling in1 (v.+adv.)
      插(话) add (words), often as an interruption
    fling in2 (v.+prep.)
      因某事而责备某人 blame sb for sth
    fling in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
      参与(某人)的计划或企图 join sb in a plan or attempt
      fling in sth with sb

      It's sad to see that he's flung in his lot with criminals.


    fling into (v.+prep.)
      宣布要参加竞争 declare one's intention of taking part in a competition, especially an election
    fling off (v.+adv.)
      漫不经心地说… speak (sth) carelessly
    fling on1 (v.+adv.)
      匆匆穿上(衣服) put (clothes) on hurriedly
      fling sth ⇔ on

      We haven't time to change, just fling a coat on over what you're wearing now.


      Fling a dress on and let's go to the party at once.


    fling on2 (v.+prep.)
      听任某人处置; 请求某人宽恕 place one's trust in sb's kindness
    fling out (v.+adv.)
      猛踢 kick violently
      fling sth ⇔ out

      The explosion flung out bits of metal in all directions.


      When the train crashed, many passengers were flung out onto the lines.


      fling sth ⇔ out

      I really must fling out all these old newspapers.


      fling out

      She turned and flung out of the room without another word.


      fling sb ⇔ out

      The old lady was flung out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.


      Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed.


      fling sth ⇔ out

      At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept.


      fling out

      Suddenly the horse flung out and the rider was thrown to the ground.


    fling to (v.+prep.)
      使(某人或自己)迅速躺倒,趴下 cause sb or oneself to lie down quickly
    fling together (v.+adv.)
      仓促地建造(某物); 匆匆写出(诗等) build or write (sth) hastily
    fling up (v.+adv.)
      使注意(某事); 提起 bring (sth) to people's attention; mention (sth harmful to sb)
    fling up one's hand
      失去一切希望 lose all hopes
    fling up one's heels
      疾跑; 欢跃 move quickly; enjoy oneself
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词
    • fling at 朝(某人或某物)投掷(某物)
    • fling into 把(某物)随便扔进(某物或某处); 使(某人)掉进(水)里或(洞)中; 把(某人)关进(监狱)
    • fling to 把(某物)扔给(某人或某动物); 把(某物)扔向(某处)
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ ~+介词


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