- n. 方法;条理
- n. 类函数;类成员函数(计算机)
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
- 方法,办法,措施
- 条理
- 秩序,顺序
- 方式
- 规律
- 【生】分类法
- 【戏】融入法
- 井井有条,有条不紊
- 看来奇怪的行为有其道理
- 教学法
- 程序,步骤
- 调查方法
- 类函数
n. (名词)
- [C]方法,办法 a planned way of doing sth
- [U]秩序,条理 proper planning and arrangement
n. (名词)
a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)
an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed
- 1. He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.
- 借助于自己发现的一种全新的方法,他获得了成功。
- 2. Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.
- 如果使用得当,避孕套是很有效的避孕手段。
- 3. This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog.
- 用这种方法控制你的狗不起作用。
- 4. Some thought must be given to the method of validation.
- 一些想法必须通过验证法加以证实。
- 5. The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.
- 服用避孕药是最有效的避孕方法。
- I have a simple and easy method.
我有个简易的方法。 - New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute.
该学院采用新的外语教学法。 - His book is totally without method.
他写的那本书毫无条理。 - We must get some method into our office filing.
用作名词 (n.)
- I've seen the method applied by many people.
我见过很多人运用这种方法。 - It cannot be questioned that the new method is superior to the old one.
新方法比旧方法好,这是毫无疑问的。 - We believe the method is available.
我们相信这方法是可取的。 - The method applies to our work.
这个方法适用于我们的工作。 - We hesitated at the propriety of the method.
我们对这种办法是否适用拿不定主意。 - He found that the method worked.
他发现这方法行得通。 - We were forced to think of another method.
我们不得不另想办法。 - He believed in the students being taught with the translation method.
他觉得用翻译法教学生比较好。 - I believe in the teaching method.
我相信这种教学法。 - We all agree in adopting the new teaching method.
我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。 - We sampled opinions among the workers about changes in the working method.
我们在工人中抽样判断他们对工作方法改变的意见。 - This method should be widely promoted.
这种方法应该被推广。 - This method won't get you anywhere.
用这个办法你不会取得任何进展。 - I recommend this method to you.
我向你推荐这种方法。 - I do not agree on their method.
我不赞成他们的方法。 - A new teaching method has been suggested to us.
有人向我们提议采用新的教学方法。 - He exercised his ingenuity to devise a time-saving method.
他开动脑筋去想一个节省时间的办法。 - They worked out an effective method, which was confirmed by the leadership.
他们制定了一种有效的方法,这种方法得到了领导的认可。 - We assumed a new method.
我们采取了一种新方法。 - He refined upon the older methods.
他对陈旧的方法做了细致入微的改进。 - These methods have proved quite effective.
这些办法证明是很有成效的。 - The conference will lay down the proper measures and methods.
会议将规定适当的措施和方法。 - All other methods failed us; we could only win our liberation through armed struggle.
其他方法都不起作用,我们只能通过武装斗争来争取解放。 - Are you beginning to catch hold of our methods now?
现在你对我们的办法有所了解了吗? - I do not quite agree with their methods.
我不太赞成他们的方法。 - It is impossible to cooperate with a person whose methods are completely opposed to your own.
与一个和你想法完全相对的人是无法合作的。 - The book contrasts child-rearing methods in America and Russia.
这本书把美国和俄国的儿童教养方法进行了对比。 - Your problem lies in lacking efficient methods.
你的问题在于缺少有效的方法。 - The engineers used special methods to insure the bridge against damage from high winds.
工程师们采用了特殊方法以防狂风损坏大桥。 - I began to come along well in English after I improved my study methods.
改进了学习方法以后,我的英语开始有所进步。 - He is a man of method.
他是一个做事有条理的人。 - Use method rather than luck.
按条理办事,不要凭运气。 - Method will teach you to win time.
有条有理会使你赢得时间。 - These high yields have been achieved largely through better methods of cultivation.
这样高的产量主要是通过改良耕作方法取得的。 - For some time all my interests have centered on their methods of agriculture.
有一段时期,我的全部兴趣集中在研究他们的耕作方法上。 - New methods of production were employed a few years ago.
新的生产方法几年前曾使用过。 - He introduced us to a new method of work.
他向我们介绍了一种新的工作方法。 - A specific and sure method of treatment has not yet to be found.
还没有找到一种有把握的特效疗法。 - The second question concerns our method of work.
第二个问题牵涉到我们的工作方法。 - The new method of traffic control is well schemed.
新的交通管制设计得很好。 - The experiments justify changing the normal method of work.
这些实验说明改变通常的方法是对的。 - We hope to catch on to the new method of work in a few days.
我们希望在几天内能掌握这个新的工作方法。 - They used the method of removing the burning brands from under the boiling cauldron.
他们使用了“釜底抽薪”的办法。 - The method of breaking up the whole into parts is often used in mathematics.
数学上经常使用化整为零的方法。 - Tom has been invited to lecture about his method of writing to a class of English students.
汤姆已应邀去给一个英语班作报告,谈他的写作方法。 - Students are usually well disposed towards this informal method of teaching.
学生通常对这种不正规的教法很有好感。 - This method of teaching caught on well.
这种教学方法很受欢迎。 - I gradually learned their methods of caring for the rice shoots.
我逐步了解了他们管理秧苗的方法。 - All student teachers should be exercised in the new methods of reading instruction.
所有实习教师都应该练习使用新阅读讲授法。 - The nation may have to recur to unusual methods of controlling rising prices.
这个国家不得不借助特殊手段来控制日益上涨的物价。 - We shall have to refine on our methods of advertising.
我们得进一步改进做广告的方法。 - We have to invent a new method for sneaking prisoners out without being noticed by the guards.
我们必须想出新的办法使囚犯们偷偷溜出去而不被看守发现。 - The method for unfolding the course of a plot must in some ways be different in a play meant for acting and in a book meant for reading.
将一幕剧搬上舞台,与写一本书供人阅读,其故事情节展开的方式当然会有所不同。 - Mr. Wang is trying a new teaching method to teach English.
王老师正在试用新的教学方法教英语。 - Your method to solve this problem is destined to go wrong.
你解决此问题的方法注定要失败。 - He invented a new method to make bread.
他发明了做面包的新方法。 - After trying all kinds of ways we hit upon a method that promised more success.
在尝试了各种办法以后,我们终于找到了一种成功希望较大的方法。 - In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers one person may not answer another.
用作名词 (n.)
n. (名词)
- method的基本意思是“方法,办法”,指在做某项工作或为达到某目的时所采取的(抽象的)方法或(具体的)程序,多与介词of或for连用,是可数名词。
- method的另一个意思是“秩序,条理”,即在进行过程中有条不紊,是不可数名词。
He has a very good method of teaching.(类名词)
His teaching was too informal to be said to have method.(抽象名词) -
We can do it by the new method.
我们可以使用新方法来完成它。 - 表达方式a method of studying English(一个学习英语的方法)中,of可替换成for,或者是to study English,不过习惯上a method of仍比较普遍。
n. (名词)
- method, manner, mode, way
- 这组词都有“方法”的意思。其区别在于:
- 1.method指具有一套理论和系统做指导的方法,强调其条理性、高效率,是就设计而言的,存在于头脑中,有好的也有不好的。
- 2.manner着重指一个人做事的方式和从一些具体动作上表现出来的特征,其复数形式manners的意思是“礼貌”“举止”“风俗”,与单数形式的意思有很大的差别,为庄重用语,例如:
- They carried on their research work in a systematic and well organized manner.他们系统地、有条不紊地进行着科研工作。
- He did everything in a leisurely manner.他做什么事都是一副不紧不慢的样子。
- The results depend as much on the manner of executing the plans as on the plans themselves.计划执行的结果,不仅取决于计划本身,也同样取决于执行的方法。
- 3.way指某人在处理某一问题或做某件事时用他自己与众不同的方式或习惯去做,为普通用语。例如:
- He always speaks in a careless way.他总是漫不经心地说话。
- The century has brought us not only new things to see but new ways of seeing.本世纪以来我们不但有了许多新事物,而且有了看待问题的新方法。
- 4.mode指在举止、言谈、写作、生活等方面已形成固定的习惯或独特的模式,不含条理性,强调刻板、不易改变,是就应用而言的,有熟练的也有笨拙的。例如:
- He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.他突然有钱了,财富改变了他的整个生活方式。
- It is a bad mode of holding a pen.那是一种不好的拿笔方法。
- manner,method,way,mode,fashion,means,approach
- 这些名词均含“方法、方式”之意。
- manner多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。
- method指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。
- way普通用词,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式,也可指特殊的方式或方法。
- mode书面用词,常指因个人爱好或传统习俗等因素而遵循的方法。
- fashion着重独特的程序或方式,尤指个人的偏爱或习惯。
- means指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径。
- approach指从事某事的特别方法、途径。
用作名词 (n.)
- adopt a method 采用方法
- apply the same method to 把相同的方法运用于
- appreciate a method of 欣赏…方法
- change a method 改变方法
- choose a method 选择某种方法
- create a method 提出方法
- design a method 制定方法
- develop a method 培养一种态度
- establish a method 确定方法
- follow a method 沿用方法
- give up a method 放弃方法
- go out of one's method 想尽办法
- have a method with 对…有办法
- introduce the method of 介绍…的方法
- invent a method 发明一种方法
- point the method 指出方法
- preserve a method 保持方法
- show sb the method 给某人指出方法
- suggest a method of 提出…方法
- think out a method 想出个办法
- try a method 试用一种方法
- bad method 坏方法
- cheap method 廉价的方法
- civilized method 文明的方法
- different method 不同的方法
- direct method 直接教学法
- dishonest method 不诚实的方法
- easy method 容易的方法
- effective method 有效的方法
- evil method 罪恶的方法
- expensive method 费用高的方法
- fair method 正当的手段
- familiar method 熟悉的方法,常用的方法
- foul method 不正当的手段
- good method 好方法
- high-pressure methods 强迫推销货品法
- ideal method 理想的方法
- infallible method 绝对可靠的方法
- legitimate method 合法的手段
- modern method 现代的方法
- native methods 土办法
- new method 新的方法
- obsolete method 老式的方法
- oral method (外语教学中的)口头教学法
- proper method 正确的方式
- refined method 精巧的方法
- right method 正确的方式
- safe method 稳妥的办法
- scientific method 科学方法
- sound method 合理的方法
- sure method 稳当的方法
- the best method 最好的方法
- the latest method 最新方法
- up-to-date method 最新方法
- usual method 平时的方式
- various methods 种种方法
- violent method 暴力方法
- wrong method 错误的方式
- access method 存取方法
- business methods 经商的方法
- case method 以实际判例为基础的法律教学法
- insert method 插入方法
- production method 生产方法
- teaching methods 教学方法
- training methods 训练的方法
- after the same method 用同样的方法
- by all method 必定
- by any method 无论如何
- by no method 决不,决非
- in the method of 用…方式
- under old methods of learning a language 根据旧的学习语言的方法
- work with method 按程序工作
- work without method 不按程序工作
- the method for 用于…的方法
- the method for learning languages 学习语言的方法
- the method in 在…方面有条理
- the method of expression 表现方法
- the method of inquiry 调查方法
- the method of living 生活方式
- the method of production 生产方式
- the method of raising money 募捐钱的方式
- the method of speaking 说话方式
- the method of talking 讲话方式
- the method of thinking 思想方法
- the method of trade 做生意的方式
- the method of walking 走路方式
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