- 精神,精力
- 幽灵,妖精
- 勇气,气概,气魄
- 情绪
- 心灵
- 志气
- 灵魂
- 烈酒
- 兴致,心情,念头
- 潮流,风气
- 【宗】圣灵
- 本意
- 心意
- 酒精
- 使精神振作,鼓舞,鼓励,提神
- 迅速而神秘地带走,使…神秘失踪
- 拐走,诱拐,拐带,拐去,绑架
- 偷走, 偷偷带走
- 让人不可思议地弄走
- 带走
- 如用魔法般地使出现
n. (名词)
- [U] [C] 精神,心灵 the part of a person's mind that is able to think and will; talked about as clearly opposed to the body
- [C] 灵魂,幽灵 thought of as remaining alive, especially without appearing in physical form
- [S] 气概,志气 a quality of lively determination or brave effort
- [P] 情绪,心情 an intention or feeling in the mind; attitude
- [U] 酒精,烈酒 any of various liquids such as alcohol
n. (名词)
the vital principle or animating force within living things
the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people;
"the feel of the city excited him"
"a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"
"it had the smell of treason"
a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character
any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection);
"his emotional state depended on her opinion"
"he was in good spirits"
"his spirit rose"
the intended meaning of a communication
animation and energy in action or expression;
"it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"
an inclination or tendency of a certain kind;
"he had a change of heart"
infuse with spirit;
"The company spirited him up"
- He is endued with a spirit of public service.
他富有为公众服务的精神。 - We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties.
如果我们要克服困难,我们就要有进取精神。 - Now the rat of Panic was gnawing at Byron's spirit.
如今恐慌正象耗子一样在啃啮拜伦的心灵。 - Music lifted up the listening spirit.
音乐净化升华了倾听它的心灵。 - It will evaporate like a spirit.
它将来总要像幽灵一样化成云烟。 - They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
他们相信他死后灵魂还活着。 - She did not turn into foam. She became a spirit of the air and was happy at last.
她没有变成泡沫. - The boss is being in royal spirits right now.
此刻,老板情绪极好。 - The holiday gave him back his good spirits.
假期使他恢复了愉快的情绪。 - You must keep your father off strong spirits.
你必须让你父亲戒绝烈酒。 - The restaurant is not licensed for selling spirits.
用作名词 (n.)
- She has rallied her spirits.
她已恢复了精神。 - Nothing could dampen his spirits.
任何事情都不能使他精神消沉。 - Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.
癌症摧残了她的身体,却毁不了她的精神。 - Her youthful spirit was crushed out of her by hardships.
由于受到种种艰难困苦的折磨,她那蓬勃的朝气消失了。 - He shows no spirit.
他没有勇气。 - Communist spirit consists in whole-hearted devotion to public interests.
共产主义精神就是一心为公。 - He demanded that he himself be fired with the spirit of whole-heartedly serving the people.
他要求自己充满全心全意为人民服务的精神。 - The Chinese youth should carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the May 4th Movement.
中国青年应该发扬五四运动的革命精神。 - The article breathes the spirit of the age.
这篇文章反映出时代精神。 - He was one of the greatest spirits of his time.
他是他那个时代最伟大的人物之一。 - His spirit will soon be in Heaven.
他的灵魂不久将归天。 - The dying man recommended his spirit to God.
这个将死的人把他的灵魂托付给上帝。 - The magician offered to call up the spirit of any great person of the past that we liked to name.
魔术师表示能把任何一个我们愿意指定的死去的伟人的鬼魂召回。 - The music seems to purify one's spirit of evil thoughts.
这种音乐似乎能够荡涤人们心灵中的邪念。 - If the spirit of Caesar could be called up by some spell,I wonder what it would think of the present-day world.
如果恺撒的鬼魂可以用符咒召回的话,我不知道它对当今世界会有什么看法。 - Some people think that they have seen the spirits of dead persons.
有些人认为他们看见过死人的鬼魂。 - God is pure spirit.
上帝是圣灵。 - He was one of the spirits in heaven.
他是天国的精灵之一。 - I don't think her spirits will fall at the bad news.
我想她听到这坏消息时不会情绪低落的。 - The good news elevated everyone's spirits.
这个好消息鼓舞了每个人的情绪。 - Her spirits remained up in spite of her disappointment.
尽管她很失望,但她的情绪依然高昂。 - I hope that the holiday will give back my good spirits.
我希望假日能使我的心情好转。 - Her spirits were dashed by the incident.
她因为那件事而心情沮丧。 - I'm glad Hubert married a girl of spirit.
我很高兴休伯特娶了一位天真活泼的姑娘。 - She had a strong will, a spirit of initiative.
她具有坚定的意志和首创精神。 - That's the right spirit!
这是正确的态度! - She did this thing in a spirit of mischief.
她以恶作剧的心理做这件事。 - Whisky contains a large percentage of spirit.
威士忌的酒精含量极高。 - A spirit lamp burns spirit instead of oil.
酒精灯燃烧的是酒精而不是油。 - The grocer sells wine and spirits.
用作名词 (n.)
n. (名词)
- spirit的基本意思是“精神,心灵”,引申可作“灵魂”“勇气”“骨气”“活力”“纯酒精”解,是不可数名词。
- spirit表示“某种精神”或“精神实质”时,与“文字(letter)”相对,是可数名词,用单数形式。
- spirit还可作“人; 人物; 鬼魂; 精怪; 圣灵”解,是可数名词。
- spirit作“情绪,心情”解时,多用于复数形式; 作“含酒精多的酒”解时,也多用于复数形式。
n. (名词)
- spirit, mind, soul
- 这组词都有“精神”“灵魂”“心灵”的意思。其区别在于:
- 1.mind指人思维、感觉和意志官能。例如:
- I will keep your advice in mind.我要把你的劝告记在心里。
- She called to mind a character in a novel.她想起了小说中的一个人物。
- For some reason, her name did stick in my mind.由于某种原因,她的名字就是令人难忘。
- 2.soul指“灵魂”“精力”“精华”。例如:
- May his soul rest in peace!愿他的灵魂安息吧!
- Her body died but her soul went to heaven.她的肉体虽已死亡,但她的灵魂却升入天堂。
- Discipline is the soul of an army.纪律是军队的灵魂。
- He put his heart and soul into the work.他把精力全部贯注在工作上了。
- 3.spirit包括生者的灵魂和死者的鬼魂,也可指“精神”。例如:
- Are there such things as spirits?有鬼魂这样的东西吗?
- He showed the spirit of selflessness.他表现出忘我精神。
- He dedicated himself to his country, body and spirit.他把自己的身心都贡献给国家了。
- soul,ghost,spirit
- 这些名词均含“灵魂,心灵”之意。
- soul指超越身体之外,永远存在的无形的东西,即所谓灵魂,亦可作人解。
- ghost普通用词,主要指死者的灵魂。
- spirit当指与body相对而言的所谓灵魂时,可与soul互换使用,但强调人的精神素质,也指神仙、精灵等。
用作名词 (n.)
- be in (good〔high〕) spirits
喜气洋洋,快活,兴高采烈 put spirit into sth; be in royal spirits
- in spirit
精神上,心灵上 in one's thoughts
- lose one's spirits
垂头丧气 be out of spirits; be in low spirits; be down in spirits
用作名词 (n.)
- admire sb's spirit 钦佩某人的精神
- arouse sb's spirit 激起某人的精神,鼓起某人的士气
- brace up one's spirits 振作精神
- break sb's spirits 挫某人的锐气,使某人垂头丧气
- catch the spirit of the day 赶上时代精神
- damp spirits 败兴
- dash spirits 使精神沮丧
- depend on a spirit of 依靠…的精神
- develop a spirit of 发扬…的精神
- display a spirit of 表现…的精神
- have a spirit of 具有…的精神
- heighten spirits 振作精神
- inspire a spirit of 鼓励〔激起〕一种…的精神
- keep up one's spirits 振作精神
- lose one's spirits 垂头丧气
- put spirits into work 加劲干活
- raise sb's spirits 提高某人的士气〔情绪〕
- recover one's spirits 恢复士气〔情绪〕
- suit the spirit of the age 符合时代精神
- understand the spirit of 理解…的精神实质
- weaken the spirit of 削弱…的精神〔士气〕
- active spirit 积极的精神
- American spirit 美国人的精神
- brave spirit 勇敢的精神
- civil spirit 公民精神
- enterprising spirit 进取精神
- good spirit 伟大的精神,高昂的情绪
- great spirit 伟大的精神,高昂的情绪
- independent spirit 独立精神
- modern spirit 现代精神
- noble spirit 高尚的精神,高尚的人
- revolutionary spirit 革命精神〔气概〕
- scientific spirit 科学精神
- bad spirits 坏心情〔情绪〕
- better spirits 较佳的情绪
- cheerful spirits 兴高采烈的情绪
- excellent spirits 心境极佳
- flagging spirits 萎靡不振的情绪
- friendly spirits 友好的气氛
- high spirits 高昂的情绪
- low spirits 低落的情绪
- top spirits 心境极佳
- evil spirit 恶鬼
- leading spirit 主要人物
- class spirit 班级精神
- college spirit 学院精神
- party spirit 党性
- school spirit 爱校心
- team spirit (组、队成员的)协作精神,集体精神
- the Christmas spirit 基督教精神
- festival spirit 节日的气氛
- holiday spirit 假日的气氛
- war spirit 战时气氛
- against the spirit 违背精神
- in a spirit 本着某种态度
- in spirits 兴致勃勃
- full of spirit 精力充沛
- out of spirits 不高兴
- to one's spirit 直至内心
- go at it with spirit 斗志昂扬地干
- spirit of fun 以开玩笑的态度
- spirit of gambling 赌博风气
- spirit of law 法律精神
- spirit of science 科学精神
- spirit of the age 时代精神
- spirit of the day 时代精神
- spirit of youth and progress 朝气
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