- 直立的,竖立的,直竖的,笔直的,垂直的
- 【征】垂直的
- 朝上举的
- 不屈的,坚毅的
- 谨慎的
- 【医】勃起的
- 挺拔的,笔挺的
- 挺直的,腰板挺直的
- 站立的
- 创立,建立,设立
- 树立,竖,竖立
- 安装,装配
- 【生】把(种)升为(属)
- 提升,提拔,使上升
- 【数】作(垂直线)
- 【医】使勃起
- 使竖立,使竖直
- 搭起
- 盖(楼房),建造,架设
- 【生】勃起
adj. (形容词)
- 竖立的,直立的,挺立的 upright; standing straight up one end; not leaning over or lying down
- vt. 使直立; 竖起 put straight up; set upright
- vt. & vi. 建立 build; set up; establish
adj. (形容词)
upright in position or posture;
"an erect stature"
"erect flower stalks"
"for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"
"a column still vertical amid the ruins"
"he sat bolt upright"
of sexual organs; stiff and rigid
construct, build, or erect;
"Raise a barn"
cause to rise up
- 1. A group of men are erecting a monstrous copper edifice.
- 一群人正在建造一座巨大的铜色建筑。
- 2. Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.
- 日本业主们正在全美国构建复杂的政治影响力网络。
- 3. As if erecting a mountain barrier upon the open plain.
- 在空旷的平原树立起高山屏障。
- 4. The cost of erecting a shack is recouped within a year or two.
- 设立棚户的补偿可在一到两年内获得。
- 5. Some nations, meanwhile, are hoarding steel by erecting export barriers.
- 与此同时,一些国家通过设立出口壁垒而囤积钢材。
- 6. Erecting wait is so quiet, who are dreaming, clinking glasses together in gazes?
- 矗立的等待那么安宁,谁在幻想,在对视中碰杯。
- 7. Construction workers erecting an apartment complex thought he might have worked there.
- 建筑工地的建筑工人也认为何文曾在那里工作过。
- 8. It use the precision hanging weighing transducer, having high accuracy, easy erecting.
- 采用高精度吊挂式称重传感器,计量精度高,安装方便。
- 9. The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls.
- 士兵们在山上这点大兴泥土工程及设立木墙,以设立防御工事。
- 10. Instead of erecting a single barrier, they now set up several lower defences that reduce rust's harm.
- 他们不是架设一个单独的障碍,而是设置几个低级别的防御,来减少锈病的危害。
- 11. What about the risk that operators will fragment the Internet by erecting new road-blocks or toll booths?
- 那么如何评估网络运营商通过树立新的路障和收费岗亭,将网络分割的支离破碎的风险呢?
- 12. What about the risk that operators will fragment the Internet by erecting new road-blocks or toll booths?
- 至于网络运营商设置网络新“路障”或“收费站”从而割裂互联网的风险呢?
- 13. Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations.
- 机械加工,金属成型,塑造和树立行业及相关行业,承包商和监督员。
- 14. Osh is erecting monuments to celebrate “Kyrgyzness”, though Uzbeks make up about half the city’s population.
- 奥什矗立起几座纪念碑,为的是庆祝吉尔吉斯坦人,一点也不顾及人口约占该市一半的乌兹别克斯坦人。
- 15. Although news Corporation champions subscriptions, it is not yet erecting paywalls around its tabloid newspapers.
- 尽管新闻集团的订阅量最大,但它并没有对小报新闻建起收费屏障。
- 16. Erecting paywalls may drive readers toward these free outlets and sacrifice reach in exchange for maintaining revenue.
- 将要建立的付费模式为了维持收入的增长,会把读者驱向那些免费媒介并且会导致访问量下降。
- 17. To perfect the supervisory mechanism of the police power is crucial to erecting an effective operating mechanism of the police power.
- 完善警察权力监督机制,是建立行之有效的警察权力运行机制的关键。
- 18. It's difficult to believe that an advanced culture, capable of carving and erecting these monoliths, grew up in such a barren landscape.
- 能够雕刻并竖立这些巨石的先进文明,却生活在这样贫瘠的地方,的确令人难以置信。
- 19. When they had finished erecting the marquees, Goran was planning on transporting some home-grown tomatoes back to the capital in his van.
- 等大棚盖完以后,格兰打算用自己的面包车把家里种的土豆运到首都来卖。
- 20. The walls and roof were made by erecting these 12-inch-thick panels, which are made by placing foam insulation between two plywood sheets.
- 墙壁和屋顶架设了由这12英寸厚的面板,这是由放置在两个夹板泡沫绝缘材料制成。
- 21. Southerners have taken to erecting these cairns to adorn their gardens. Northerners grumble that this is an abuse of their traditional culture.
- 南方人开始建立起这些石冢以装饰花园,可北方人满腹牢骚地说这是对传统文化的辱骂。
- 22. The danger is that national supervisors in Europe could well end up ignoring the new authorities and erecting barriers to foreign Banks instead.
- 其中一个危险是欧洲的各国监管者最后会忽略新的监管机构,取而代之的是对国外银行设立壁垒。
- 23. The danger is that national supervisors in Europe could well end up ignoring the new authorities and erecting barriers to foreign Banks instead.
- 其中一个危险是欧洲的各国监管者最后会忽略新的监管机构,取而代之的是对国外银行设立壁垒。
- They erected their tent at the foot of the mountain.
他们在山脚下支起了帐篷。 - The town will erect a monument to its war heroes .
这个市镇将为该城的战斗英雄们立个纪念碑。 - Six policemen started to erect a roadblock.
六个警察着手建立一道路障。 - They plan to erect an apartment house on that property.
他们计划在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼。 - Humans erect cities to shelter themselves from nature's capricious ways.
人类建造城市在反复无常的大自然中庇护自己。 - She held her head erect and her back straight.
她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。 - For a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression.
对狗而言,竖立起来的尾巴表示进攻。 - Soldiers are trained to stand erect.
用作及物动词 (vt.)
用作形容词 (adj.)
- There is an erect pine.
那儿有一棵挺拔的松树。 - The soldier stands erect.
士兵笔直地站着。 - She held her head erect and her back straight.
她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。 - The house was of bamboo and thatch, easy to erect and suitable for semi-tropical weather.
这房屋是用竹子和茅草盖起来的,既容易盖,又适合亚热带气候。 - They erected a telephone pole.
他们竖起一根电话线杆子。 - He erected a television antenna on the roof.
他在房顶立了电视天线。 - The town will erect a monument to its war heroes.
这个市镇将为该城的战斗英雄们立个纪念碑。 - It takes only a few months to erect a building.
建一座楼房只要几个月的时间。 - The road builders constructed 427 tunnels and erected 653 bridges.
筑路工人挖了427个隧道,并架设了653座桥梁。 - Six policemen started to erect a roadblock.
六个警察着手建立一道路障。 - They erected their tents near the river.
- An apartment is being erected on that lot.
那块地上正在修建一座公寓。 - Dykes were erected on both banks of the river.
河的两岸筑起了堤坝。 - A meeting hall and museum have been erected here.
这里已建起了一座礼堂和博物馆。 - I don't want to see a system like that will be erected.
我不希望看到那种制度被建立起来。 - Erected in the waist-high water, hand-in-hand and should-to-should, they formed a wall of men.
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+ n.
用作动词 (v.)
v. (动词)
- erect作“竖立”解时,指在地面向上建立一定高度的东西。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
- erect还可作“建立”解,用作不及物动词或及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
v. (动词)
- erect, build, construct, establish, found, set up
- 这组词的共同意思是“建造”“建立”。其区别是:
- build是本组词中最常用者,指一般的“建造,建立”,可以表示具体的、特殊的以及比喻的和抽象的意义; construct强调“复杂性”,不强调花费的劳动(特别是体力劳动),而侧重动脑筋解决建造过程中的问题,即“构思”;erect强调“高度”,即竖立起来;establish表示稳固、持久地建立起具体或抽象的事物;found着重在建立之前打下基础;set up着重起点。例如:
- The house was built of wood.这栋房子是用木头盖起来的。
- They are planning to construct an office building.他们正在计划建一栋办公楼。
- A skyscraper has been erected.一栋摩天大楼拔地而起。
- My father established this firm forty years ago.我的父亲40年前建立了这家公司。
- The house was founded on solid rock.这幢房子建在坚硬的岩石之上。
- When was this company set up?这家公司是什么时候成立的?
- build,construct,found,erect,establish,set up
- 这些动词均有“建设,建立,建造”之意。
- build普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。
- construct较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。
- found侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。
- erect侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。
- establish着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。
- set up作“建立”用时,侧重于“开始”。可指具体或抽象的建立。
- vertical,perpendicular,upright,erect,plumb
- 这些形容词均有“垂直的、竖式的”之意。
- vertical指与平面、水平线或基线成直角或几乎成直角向上延伸至顶点的物体。也可指呈直线上升或下降的。
- perpendicular指与水平线形成90度的线或面,或朝垂直方面延伸的,尤指向下的急剧运动。
- upright普通用词,指竖立、笔直而不是倾斜、倒塌的。
- erect指笔直挺拔,而非倾斜、佝偻、弯曲或倒塌的。
- plumb建筑上用词,凭锤球评判某物是否完全垂直。
用作形容词 (adj.)
- erect bearing 挺直的体态
- erect tree 挺拔的树
- hold oneself erect 保持姿势挺直
- stand erect 直立
用作动词 (v.)
- erect a dam 筑堤坝
- erect an embankment 筑一道堤
- erect a flagstaff 竖旗杆
- erect a fort 筑堡垒
- erect fortifications 构筑工事
- erect a new government 建立新政府
- erect a pagoda 建一座塔
- erect a tablet 竖立碑石
- erect a tariff wall 竖立关税壁垒
- erect a temple 修建庙宇
- erect trade barrier 设置贸易障碍
- erect firmly 牢固地建立
- erect grandly 重大地建立
- erect loftily 高高地建立
- erect staunchly 坚定地建立
- erect toweringly 高耸地建立
- erect triumphantly 胜利地竖起
- erect from designs by 根据…设计而建造
- erect into 使…成为
- construct 建造
- build 建造
- upright 直立的
- straight 直的
- vertical 垂直的
- raise 上升
- found 建立
- put up 放
- establish 建立
- assemble 集合
- perpendicular 垂直的
- create 创造
- initiate 开始
- institute 学院
- rigid 坚硬的
- stiff 硬的
- frame 骨架
- manufacture (手工)制造...
- fabricate 编造
- jack 千斤顶
- uplift 鼓舞
- rear 后面的
- set up 建立
- tumid 浮夸的
- plumb (用铅垂)测量...
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