- v.注意到;觉察到;认为;理解
- 看见
- 看出
- 理解
- 意识到
- 领会
- 发觉
- 听见
- 了解
- 抓住
- 明白
- 认识到
- 看到
- 看清楚
- 察觉
- 感知
- 察觉到
- 感觉
- 注意到
- 视为
- 认为
- 理解为
- 领悟
- 认知
- 理解
- 发觉
- 知觉
- 感觉
- 看出
v. (动词)
- vt. 感觉; 察觉 become aware of, especially through the eyes or the mind
v. (动词)
to become aware of through the senses;
"I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"
become conscious of;
"She finally perceived the futility of her protest"
- I plainly perceive some objections remain.
我清楚地察觉到还有一些反对意见。 - We can perceive his sorrow by the looks on his face.
我们从他的表情中觉察出悲伤。 - Indeed, this problem is greater than one may perceive.
确实,这个问题远大于你所能感知到的。 - They perceive television as entertainment.
他们将电视视为娱乐。 - Adults learn what they perceive to be useful in their life situations.
成人们学他们认为对其生活情境有帮助的东西。 - At first I couldn't perceive what he meant.
用作动词 (v.)
- She has perceived the danger.
她已觉察到那危险了。 - They perceived the faults of their own children.
他们知道了他们自己儿女的过失。 - I can't perceive any difference between these coins.
我看不出这些硬币的区别。 - Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?
- That rule is not easily perceived.
这条规则不容易理解。 - Such fallacies are not easily perceived.
识别这种谬论并非易事。 - They perceived that they were unwelcome and left.
他们意识到他们是不受欢迎的,于是就离开了。 - I perceived that I could not make him change his mind.
我意识到我不能使他改变主意。 - They perceived that the enemy was trying to wear down their resistance.
他们明白敌人是想用消耗的办法来制服他们的抵抗。 - You can easily perceive what he wants.
你可轻而易举地看出他要什么。 - He perceived what the shy little man wanted.
他看出了这个害羞的小人想要什么。 - We perceive him wish to make progress.
我们看得出他是要求进步的。 - I plainly perceive some objections remain.
- You are perceived to accept his offer.
有人得知,你要接受他的条件。 - The thief was perceived to steal into the house.
有人看见小偷溜进那房子里去了。 - Did you perceive anyone entering the laboratory?
你看见有人进入实验室吗? - They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.
他们看到一个陌生人在花园里闲逛。 - We perceived a little girl coming toward us.
- She was perceived dancing alone in her room.
有人看见她正在自己的房子里独自起舞。 - Soon the boy perceived the snake to be a dead one.
男孩很快发觉那条蛇是死的。 - On entering his house, we at once perceived him to be tasteful.
我们一进他的房子,立刻感觉到他是个高品位的人。 - —Do you perceive what I mean?—I perceive so.——
用作动词 (v.)
S+~+ n./pron.
v. (动词)
- perceive是感官动词,基本意思是“觉察”“理解”“看到”,指通过视觉等各种感官,也指依靠敏锐的观察力很清晰地“感受”外界事物,理解或获得关于该事物的知识。引申表示“心里明白”。
- perceive可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接that从句或疑问词引导的从句。
- perceive所接的that从句表示的是思想上的反映而非生理上的反应,常译为“意识到…”“明白…”。
- perceive还可接以动词不定式或动名词充当补足语的复合宾语。动词不定式通常不带to,但在被动结构中to不可省略。
- perceive有时还可接“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。
- perceive后可接so或not替代前面提到的肯定式或否定式的宾语。
v. (动词)
- perceive sb to do sth, perceive sb doing sth
- perceive后用作宾语补足语时,可以是动词不定式,也可以是现在分词。其区别是:
- 用动词不定式表示动作的全过程,用现在分词表示动作正在进行。
- perceive, conceive
- 这组词的共同意思是“设想,构想”,其区别是:
- 1.conceive是构想出一个事先并不存在的主意、计划、方案、诡计、意图等,是用头脑思考的结果; perceive常含有使用感官的意思,一个人可以通过摸、闻、看等感知某一事物,发觉或觉察某个已经存在的事物。
- 2.conceive通常用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词; perceive通常只用作及物动词。
- perceive, note, notice, observe
- 这组词都有“注意”“观察”的意思。其区别是:
- perceive指使用各种感觉器官去了解事物; notice指观察并注意到某个重要却又很容易被忽略掉的细节; note比notice意味更强烈,指不但注意到,而且记录下来,但有时只指思想上注意到并记在脑中; observe指在方便有利的位置上注意观察、研究某事物或现象,强调思想高度集中,态度严谨客观,但此词多用于科研方面。
- perceive, observe, see
- 这三个词都可表示“察觉”。它们之间的区别是:see是一般用语,指意识到眼前的东西,但不一定有意去注意或加以识别; perceive是正式用语,含有有意识地去注意或识别所见东西的意思; observe则表示有意识地察看。试比较以下三个句子的含义:
- I saw someone standing in the doorway.
- 我看到有人站在门口。
- We perceived the figure to be your room- mate.
- 我们察觉那个人就是你的室友。
- We observed a change in her.
- 我们注意到她有了某种变化。
- perceive, recognize
- 这组词都有“觉察”的意思。其区别是:
- 前者指“根据事物特征而觉察到,辨认出”; 后者指“通过感官看清楚是何事物”,即凭感官本身,并不凭借事物的特征加以比较而识别。
用作动词 (v.)
- perceive dimly〔vaguely〕 隐约地感觉到
- perceive distinctly〔plainly〕 清楚地感觉到
- perceive easily 容易看到
- perceive gradually 逐渐地感觉到
- perceive instinctively 直觉感到
- perceive superficially 表面地看到
- perceive tangibly 明确地感觉到
- perceive tremulously 颤动地感觉到
- perceive vividly 强烈地感觉到
- perceive by the ear 通过耳朵感觉到
- observe 观察
- distinguish 区别
- recognize 承认
- sense 感官
- feel 感觉
- comprehend 充分理解
- notice 注意
- see 看见
- take in 接受
- remark 评论
- pick out 挑出
- identify 鉴定
- understand 懂得
- become aware of 开始觉察到
- realize 实现
- detect 发觉
- experience 经验
- discern 辨别
- compass 圆规
- discover 发现
- behold 看到
- view 视野
- blink 眨眼
- witness 目击者
- penetrate 渗透
- know 了解
- make 做
- appreciate 欣赏
- make out 起草
- out 出
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